
We Educate to Honor Our Collective Community
The mission of Community Minded Educators (CME) is to facilitate brave conversations around truth, develop racially conscious and justice-minded people, and act in ways that better honor and represent our collective community.
Our presentations, workshops, and consultation bring our mission to fruition.

Courage, identity, and perseverance narratives are woven throughout US history. However, we must examine whose stories are actually told and where we hear them.
Who is left out of the collective narrative?
Whose perspectives dominate narratives?
How have power, privilege, and oppression controlled what gets told and what doesn’t?
How is generational quality of life affected?
How do these decisions affect the complex ways individuals interact?
About CME
Comprised of scholars and educators, CME brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and expertise to professional development workshops, classes, trainings, and conferences. Based in research and steeped in urgency, our programs use current and historical multimedia exemplars, interactive activities, and open dialogues to tackle the following:
Understand how power, privilege, and oppression have currently and historically worked as designed
Build social and cultural capacity to create institutional, systemic and structural change
Work collectively to move from cognitive dissonance, socialization, and oppression to liberation for all
Presentation themes include Black identity, racial equity, social justice, community building, and leadership. CME workshops and presentations are designed to meet the specific needs of institutions and organizations requesting our service.
We also assist organizations with additional services, including root cause analysis, goal setting, policy and procedure review, implementation of action plans to achieve systemic and institutional change, and more.